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How Much is Too Much Pilates?

If I had a nickel for every time I was asked, “How many times a week should I do Pilates?” I would be rich. The stock …

4 Tips to Stay Focused and Committed to Home Workouts

Don’t some days just fly by and you aren’t even sure where they went? How in the world are you supposed to squeeze in a trip …

Things That Make You Go “Hmmmm?” Pilates style

If you have ever come to one of my classes you have heard me say, “What I am going to say is one of those feel …

3 Tips To Help You Feel at Ease During Your First Pilates Session

Trying new things can feel a bit overwhelming at times, but we want you to know Pilates Cure is a place you can totally come just …

healthy fit women walking outdoors in Fort Mill SC

Life hack you probably aren’t taking advantage of

Is there anything better than the feeling of 75-degree days with sunny blue skies? We don’t think so! And unless you are lucky enough to live …

We know the struggle is real, but yeah, you really need to drink that much water and here’s why

If you are on social media at all, you have seen the infamous Stanley cup everywhere. Maybe you’ve even grabbed on for yourself!  Either way, let’s …

Revamping and Rebuilding Better Goals

How is that New Year’s resolution going for you? If you have already abandoned it, you are not alone! Statistically, most people gave up on their …

6-pack Abs Are Overrated: Here is a Better Alternative

When you see someone with a chiseled six pack do you immediately think they must be healthy and in the best shape anybody could be? What …

Conquering Pilates Teacher Fears: Stop Feeling Like an Imposter

As a Pilates teacher, nothing makes you second guess your abilities and feel like a Pilates imposter faster than thinking about what you are going to …

Breathing: You Are Probably Not Doing It As Good As You Could Be

Thank goodness your body has been well designed enough that you don’t have to actively remember to breathe because literally every system in your body relies …