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4 Tips to Stay Focused and Committed to Home Workouts

Don’t some days just fly by and you aren’t even sure where they went? How in the world are you supposed to squeeze in a trip to the gym or to your favorite boutique studio to get an in-person class or workout on those days? Luckily, if 2020 taught us anything it’s that you can get a studio or gym quality workout in without ever leaving your house! Now that it’s 2023, I feel pretty confident in saying it’s time to get comfortable not hitting the gym every single day and supplementing your weekly routine with some home workouts.

Working out at home has stuck around because of benefits like convenience, flexibility, zero travel time, increased privacy and being budget friendly often outweighing any possible negative aspects. But if you are used to the structure, accountability and hands-on teaching when working out in-person, then working out at home can feel a bit overwhelming at first. We created a checklist of four things to help you get started, or more importantly stick with it, if you are new to the home workout scene because it’s a trend that is here to stay.

1. Make sure your online instructor is certified. 

Just like you would do if you went to see them in-person, you’d make sure they were a legit business with legit credentials. I hate to be a Debbie downer, but it needs to be said that it’s even easier to find an unqualified instructor online than in person due to how much easier it is to get set up to teach online with little overhead, no one checking for a business license, and no need for proof of insurance or certifications. Working out a lot and looking fit alone does not qualify someone to teach online so do your due diligence before you sign up!

2. Take ownership of your workout.

Taking more ownership of your workout is usually a game changer when it comes to growth and progress and home workouts will help you develop that necessary skill. Not being able to rely on your in-person instructor to come over and provide you corrections can make you feel uncertain at first when you start working out at home, but don’t give up on yourself! Like anything, it just takes some practice and focus, but when you begin to really take ownership of your body and embody the movements, you will see compounding results. And, bonus, you can use those skills not only working out at home but also working out in the studio for more effective workouts there too!

3. Create Your Workout Space

When you go somewhere to workout you have a dedicated space where everyone, for the most part, is participating in a similar activity so the distractions are much lower than when you are at home in a much more relaxed environment. It’s up to you to remember your priorities and set clear boundaries to guard your space and time when working out at home. Those boundaries are set around your family, pets, roommates but mainly they are set for you! It’s a slippery slope when you start to answer just that quick text or respond to that one very important email so the best advice we can give is just don’t. You may think you don’t like to workout at home because you have never given yourself a true taste of what it really is, or could be, if you really stepped away from your distractions and enjoyed the workout and saw how effective they are. Create a dedicated space in your home, if you have that luxury, to create a physical boundary to help create a better mental boundary. And if you don’t have a dedicated home workout space, I feel you, put your headphones on and do your thing! Modern technology has conditioned us all to believe differently, but you are not so important that the world will stop turning if you put your phone and watch on do-not-disturb and workout for 30-45 minutes. Not only do you deserve it, but it is also a need for a healthy mind and body.

4. Enjoy your workout!

My most beneficial tip is to find something you love to do with an instructor that you really enjoy.  When you look forward to your workout and you vibe with the person teaching it, it is not a chore or something you will likely skip. That is not to say you won’t have days where it is harder to get started than others, but there is so much variety in different modalities of workouts and so many amazing teachers online today that you should take some time and shop around until you find what works for you.

If you are looking for studio-quality workouts to do from home with little or no equipment, Pilates Cure has multiple options for you to pick from to suit your needs.

Our online monthly membership provides studio-quality workouts for you to do at home with little to no equipment. For the cost of one in-person class, you will have access to our on-demand video library for the entire month! The video library has over three dozen pre-recorded videos and classes that include Pilates, free weights, body weight, Barre-lates, Pilates Fusion and so much more at all experience levels. It’s really a no-brainer if you are truly ready to put your money where your mouth is and get real results from consistent, quality workouts that have been proven to give results. Click here to try a 14 Day Free trial just for reading this blog. 

Want to dive in a bit deeper and have more of a fitness program to work through? There is a difference between just working out versus training for a specific outcome and if that is more your style, we have several pre-recorded programs that do just that. Our programs typically consist of several pre-recorded classes or an ebook with a road map or best practices to use to get the best results around that topic. It’s still the same teachers and studio quality instruction you know and recognize from us at Pilates Cure, but with a deeper focus. When you purchase a pre-recorded program you will have access to it indefinitely so you can work through the program over and over if you decide to. Check out some of our program and ebook offerings here!